The State Horticultural Association of Pennsylvania (SHAP) is an educational organization with a mission “to preserve and enhance the viability of the commercial fruit industry through educational outreach, research support, promotion, and pro-active involvement with legislative affairs”.
Wherever you live, there is likely a farm or store where you can buy fresh, delicious apples grown right here in PA.
Donate to SHAP to support local fruit growers and allow us to continue to provide resources for generations of fruit farmers to come.
Since 1996, SHAP has invested over $4 million back into the PA apple industry in support of relevant research and educational programs.
Current Research Projects:
Apple Rootstock and Cultivar Evaluation: help PA apple growers identify new and upcoming varieties that might become popular in the marketplace AND what rootstocks to grow them on, which is a very important decision growers make when planting new orchards.
Microclimate Monitoring System for Orchard Disease Management: an undiagnosed disease in an orchard can take out an entire block, or more, very quickly if not treated properly. This project will research and evaluate the viability of monitoring systems that growers can implement into their own orchards.